/manager/Index en-au 5 The lattice Boltzmann method and the problem of turbulence /manager/Repository/uon:28332 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:39:34 AEST ]]> Breakdown of Kolmogorov's first similarity hypothesis in grid turbulence /manager/Repository/uon:19119 λ drops below about 20, the Kolmogorov normalised spectra deviate from those at higher Rλ; the deviation increases with decreasing Rλ. It is shown that at Rλ ≃ 20, the contribution of the energy transfer in the scale-by-scale energy budget becomes smaller than the contributions from the viscous and (large-scale) non-homogeneous terms at all scales, but never vanishes, at least for the range of Reynolds investigated here. A phenomenological argument based on the ratio N between the energy-containing timescale and the dissipative range timescale leads to the condition [formula could not be replicated] for KSH1 to hold. The numerical data indicate that N = 5, yielding Rλ ≃ 20, thus confirming our numerical finding. The present results show that KSH1, unlike the second Kolmogorov similarity hypothesis (KSH2,) does not require the existence of an inertial range. While it may seem remarkable that KSH1 is validated at much lower Reynolds numbers than required for KSH2 in grid turbulence (Rλ ≥ 1000,), KSH1 applies to small scales which include both dissipative scales and inertial range (if it exists). One can expect that, as the Reynolds number increases, the dissipative scales should satisfy KSH1 first; then, as the Reynolds number attains very high values, the inertial range is established in conformity with KSH2.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:56 AEDT ]]> Recent developments in experimental (PIV) and numerical (DNS) investigation of solid-liquid fluidized beds /manager/Repository/uon:20032 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:50:56 AEDT ]]> Bubble generated turbulence and direct numerical simulations /manager/Repository/uon:30864 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:26:37 AEDT ]]>